Hiatus: See You In December!

I wish I didn’t have to do this. In fact, I’ve wracked my brain over the last week to think of any way it could be avoided. Unfortunately, at this point is seems inescapable.

As you might have noticed, Pop! Goes The Reader was strangely silent last week. While this was primarily because I was fighting off a bad case of bronchitis, I was also in the process of beginning what I hope will be a fun tribute to my favourite holiday – My tentatively named ‘Cool Yule’ Christmas feature set for December. As my plans grew and my to-do list expanded, however, I quickly realized that executing this would take more time and effort than I had previously allotted. Which is why I’ll be taking the much-needed next three weeks in order to plan and prepare.

When I first launched Pop! Goes The Reader back in June, I was unemployed and had little trouble reading and reviewing at least three books a week, and foolishly imagined this would always be the case. As it stands now, I’m currently working full-time in a position that monopolizes much of my time and energy and I’m lucky if I’m able to review even one novel a week. I’ve fallen woefully behind in replying to comments left on Pop! Goes The Reader as well as finding time to read the blogs I follow regularly. This is something I’ve struggled to reconcile myself with as I’ve never been particularly adept at admitting weakness or failure, and I can’t help but feel that my inability to plan ahead, manage my time and properly organize my blog is evidence of both. Even after close to six months, blogging is an entirely new experience for me and a continual learning process. It has proven to be one of the most challenging, demanding, and ultimately most rewarding experiences of my short twenty-five years, and I wouldn’t change it for an instant.

While I’m ultimately taking the next three weeks off in order to prepare for the month-long ‘Cool Yule’ celebration and series of posts I have planned for the month of December, I would also like to take this time to take a step backward and adjust both my priorities and my expectations when it comes to blogging. I see both myself and my blog as a continual work in progress, and would like to find a method that works best for me as I often feel as though I haven’t yet found my footing.

Trust me when I say that were there any other way, I would happily choose it. Unfortunately, if I have any hope of completing at least half of what I have planned for December, I’ll need the next few weeks in order to properly prepare. While I worry about disappointing my regular readers, I can only hope everyone will understand. I look forward to coming back rested and well-read in December! See you then! 😀

7 Responses

  1. Completely understandable, Jen! When I first started blogging, I used to post nearly every single day. Now that has slowly faded into a mere trickle, but I’ve learnt that it’s better to step back than to try to squeeze in too much and overwhelm yourself. But I’m looking forward to your return in december. 🙂
    Sam @ Realm of Fiction recently posted…Review: The Falconer by Elizabeth MayMy Profile

  2. Hey a break is something needed and you’ll likely feel refreshed when you get back. I was a stay at home mom when I started blogging and read/reviewed 4-5 books a week now it’s 2 or 3 and you know I didn’t lose any readership (that I noticed anyways) so don’t feel bad about cutting back at all we’ll all still visit your gorgeous blog! 🙂
    Giselle recently posted…Review: Darkest Fear by Cate TiernanMy Profile

  3. I’ve been blogging for a long time (only two years on my current blog, but I’ve had my own blogs since 2006 and managed blogs for businesses for years) and the most important advice I give anyone regarding blogging is to never let it feel overwhelming to the point where it’s not fun anymore. Because my work is variable (I’m a PT college instructor and I freelance), sometimes I’m able to post a lot. Other times, I get busy and am lucky if I post once a week. Readers who like what you’re doing will come back if you’ve been gone for awhile. I promise. You’re only one person and can only do so much, you know?

    Sending you all the best wishes as you figure out a blogging schedule that works for you! :)))
    Sarah recently posted…A Surprising, Satisfying Sequel: Fractured by Sarah FineMy Profile

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Hi! I’m Jen! I’m a thirty-something introvert who loves nothing more than the cozy comfort of home and snuggling my two rescue cats, Pepper and Pancakes. I also enjoy running, jigsaw puzzles, baking and everything Disney. Few things bring me more joy than helping a reader find the right book for them!
